The fear and frustration has resonated with many during this unprecedented time. Not only Elvira, but all of the single moms we serve were asking themselves how they were going to be able to pay for their bills if their children could not go to back to school.
Our hearts bled as the moms kept trying to figure out a way to continue to work. Single moms are the sole providers for their family. Many of them lack family support and feel all alone. Elvira is one example of those moms. Her work hours were already radically reduced as she makes her living in restaurant service. She had no choice but to homeschool her nine year old son.
This was more than she could handle. Elvira was extremely overwhelmed and felt defeated as she desperately needed to keep a roof over their heads, feed her son and continue to pay the bills. The day she heard that schools were closed, anxiety overcame her. But YOU, gave Elvira much relief and hope! Because of your faithful support, every mom we serve received financial help so they could survive this difficult season. Thank you!
Now more than ever, Hearts for Moms is extremely grateful to YOU as your faithful giving helped expand this program to serve more single moms. Without your generosity, Elvira's story would have been much different. Not only have you been able to provide financial support to help Elvira cover her bills, but you gave her the chance to join the new Workforce Moms program. This brought her much hope, gave her peace of mind and most importantly the opportunity to belong to a faithful community that encourages, loves and supports her and her son. For that, Elvira is “forever grateful!” Your giving really has made an impact.
As we continue to navigate those difficult times, more single moms have recently applied to the HFM program. We have already doubled in size. HFM currently serves twelve moms and eighteen children. However, more moms in need waiting to join the programs.